Canguu is a great little area with a handful of cool restaurants, yoga classes, and a winding road to one of Bali's hippest restaurant-lounges. Rent a motorbike and let the exploring begin!
Where to stay
Desa Seni Village Resort is a quick portal to the mind-body-spirit connection you've been searching for, not to mention the nature connection too. We highly recommend splurging on a few nights, or staying there for as long as time or money allows. We literally started doing the math on how much it would cost to live there forever. :) Their amazing staff will address you by name, and their on-site gardens produce 80% of the organic herbs and vegetables used on the restaurant's menu. This truly authentic eco-village also offers Canguu's most sought-after yoga, meditation classes (the teachers are amazing) and spa treatments. Book now, thank us later. Prices from $180 per night.
Where to eat
If you've ever dreamed of finding yourself drinking and dining in the middle of a gypsy village on the beach (and we bet you did!), this is your place. These guys own several restaurants in Bali including La Favela in Seminyak, and each one of their places is an intricate piece of art.
What to do
If you aren't staying at Desa Seni, the least you can do is treat yourself to one or many of their awesome yoga and/or meditation classes. $10 per class. Discounted class cards are available.
Structural Realignment & Chinese Osteopathic Therapy
Because your spine will thank you. Around $38 for 60 minutes or $95 for a package of 3 sessions.